Natural Selection
Natural Selection is a text/graphic score meant to emulate the famous game "musical chairs."
-Piece begins with performers sitting in circle facing in towards the conductor
-The conductor then motions for the ensemble to stand
-The conductor then holds up fingers numbering 1 through 4 which corrolate with the music to be played below
-Once the conductor begins the segment, performers will start to walk in a clockwise motion
-During this time designated helpers will remove half of the remaining chairs.
-The conductor will stop the ensemble with a large gesture and ensemble players must sit down.
-Those who cannot find a chair must leave the circle and may not play along -This process is repeated until one chair remains
-The last person sitting will then improvise on one of the figures (1-4) for a
short time of 5 to 10 seconds, that player will then proudly bows and the piece is over.
Score for purchase: